
Greeting Cards, Balloons and everything for celebrations & occasions


Call the Stall:

01254 669220

The Octagon is a small family run business owned by Andrew Hartley, which sells greeting cards, balloons and gifts for special occasions.

Trading for over 20 years on Blackburn Market, Andrew took over from his parents who are now retired, and offers an extensive range of cards and gifts from several different companies to suit all needs at the right price.

The stall has cards for all occasions as well as gift bags, wrapping paper, balloons and even engagement and wedding gifts.

The Octagon stocks gifts for all special occasions such as new babies, christenings, weddings, communions, confirmations and also specialise in religious memorabilia and collector teddy bears such as Steiff and Kaycee bear.

For parties and weddings they can even supply table decorations to either collect from the stall or delivered locally. With their extremely helpful staff, if they don’t have what you require, they strive to do their best to get it for you – a truly dedicated service that is hard to come by today.